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H e l l o   e v e r y o n e .  I hope you are doing well. Lately I am a lot into reading and discovering new, interesting topics concerning lifestyle, health and so on. Today I wanted to share 5 essential tips with you guys that I find really helpful and try to stick to myself as well. Hope they are worth reading for you too!

1 Eat mindfully and slowly and try to really activate your tastebuds for a way bigger taste adventure.
2 Try to get to bed at least two hours before midnight because you sleep much better and more deeply before midnight and it is also very important for your hormonal balance. If going to bed early is a bit tricky for you, then the next tip might help you a lot.
3 Set a timer in the evening so that you turn off all your technical stuff at a definite hour. You then have more time in the evening for yourself, to slow down, to reflect on your day and think of what you are grateful for. // This tip literally changed my life. Since I declutter my life which means that I turn off my phone, laptop at 8:30 pm, I have enough time to get ready for bed, do some yoga, stretch and read. Whereas in former times, I didn't manage to find time to read in busy periods. 

4 If you should be unhappy once, just think about the things you are grateful for, think about your blessings and if thinking isn't enough yet, then start a list where you write down those terms of gratitude. You can (or should!) even write a list what you love about yourself and your fellows to be able to cheer up a bit.
5 If possible, try to add greens to every meal. Firstly, it makes your food so much more colorful and secondly, its nutrients such as tastes grow (while you do too haha :P).

Hopefully some of those tips were helpful for you and if it's only one tip that you want to implement, it's at least something - and remember - take your time! May you do well!


  1. wunderbarer Post, die Tipps sollte man wirklich beherzigen :).

    Liebe Grüße

  2. Great post !

    Would you like to follow each other Dear ?


    Emily from PTT

  3. Ahh, Hanna dein Post ist dir mal wieder so gut gelungen! Ich mag deinen Textstil unglaublich gerne, und die Tipps sind auch wirklich klasse. Gerne mehr solcher Posts!

    Love, Julia


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