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Hey, I am happy that you've found your way to my blog and maybe you're keen to know who hides behind these posts...

My name is Hanna Katharina, actually I am from Germany and although I am proud of this fact, I have spent 15 out of 17 years of my life in Austria, where I am feeling home to as well. 
Generally, I try to entertain people with my blog while I am passing on information about topics I find very important such as sustainability, veganism (or food in general) or a concious lifestyle, including sports and social skills.
I decided to call my blog 'Down-to-earth Hanna' in the end, because I try to get back to the roots in a very natural, easy and minimalistic way. Feel invited to join me :)
So why do I write my blogposts in English when I am from Germany? Indeed, I think German is a beautiul language and maybe sometimes I could express myself better in German but ya know, nearly everyone understands English nowadays so I thought I could reach more people and it would be a cool practise for you & me. I hope you like it and if not, there's still this translating function by google :p!

Me personally, I love to be with people, exchange opinions and have fun - I am known as the one who laughs all the time - so although I am a little blogger, I prefer my life to be lived in real.
With my seventeen years, I don't have that many experience yet, but still, I wanna share with you those I have already been allowed to go through. In my free time I like to make music, so I sing, play the guitar and contrabass. Sports play also a big role of my life; I have started taking yoga lessons in summer 16 because I have already been doing a lot of yoga at home, I also play tennis and like to be outside at least once a day.
Within my 17 years of lifetime, I have gone through various periods of different topics I was interested in but now, while I am a 7th form student at a gymnasium and having my final exam in the 8th form, I kind of think that I've found what really trives and interests me the most. 
I am currently gathering a lot of information about the topic of naturopathy, maybe something I will study at university later on. The power and impacts that stones, plants, fragrances and our energy fields(chakras) (can) have on our mind, body and soul fascinates me more than anything. Additionally, as I have already mentioned yoga before, I could imagine doing the yoga instructor course, not intentionally to be able to teach yoga but to find my way to my self-esteem and other so interesting and magical things.

Thank you for reading through this mass of letters and words, I totally appreciate your support and interest. 
Now that I have talked and told you so much about myself, I would be very interested in the people who actually read my blog, so feel free to tell me something crazy or at least some facts about you in the comments! I am curious!


  1. Schönes Foto. :-)
    Liebste Grüße, Lou

  2. Anonymous25/5/15

    Hi Hanna!
    Ich habe dich für den Liebsten Blog Award nominiert! Ich hoffe du machst mit. Nähere Infos findest du auf meinem Blog.
    LG Klara ;)


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