I know, I know. Last time I wrote to you I was already talking about a come-back. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get into blogging again because school took up all my nerves and due to me being in the pre-final year I obviously have to concentrate on school a bit more than usual. Anyway, this should not be the point of todays post but I just wanted to let you know what's going on at the moment and moreover, would also love to hear how you are doing.
Above all, as some of you might have noticed, I have not been active neither here nor on my Instagram because honestly, the way Instagram has changed through the past months, I just didn't (and still don't) feel able to cope with this perfectionism. I am still in love with following and stalking my favorite bloggers and youtubers and I am sure that by some time I will definitely come back to Instagram and post Pictures because I love it too much so that it's impossible to think of totally getting rid of it. But for this time, where I am now, it doesn't fit my Lifestyle. Or at least I don't want it to determine my life which is why I will keep it simple. And this is okay.
You know, you don't always have to do what all the others do and you don't always have to bend and think like "somehow it'll work out". Life is just too short for this mindset. I want you (and myself - because it's an ongoing process) to let go and start living in the now, appreciating every little moment and every little blessing you can be grateful for. If this was kind of difficult for you, then I'd recommend trying yoga and little meditations - like the apple meditation for instance - a day.
While I am already digressing again, I wanted to mention that I am planning a little change concerning the content on this blog. Food and yoga will still be playing a major and big role but will be accompanied by more spirituality-ish topics and as I can imagine, there might be also posts where I am just writing about different topics that caught my attention like self-love or gratitude for example.
Concerning my plans for the future, I am looking forward to when I will have passed my final exam because after school my goal is to travel the world with a backpack only. If this dream might come true, I am sure that I will become a quite active blooger again because I would just want to share my experience as well as having kind of a diary on this blog here. And if you're wondering - no, I don't just have the money and can do what I want to but I am already working and saving for this dream whenever I can.
To conclude, if you kept reading until here, I am so grateful to be able to thank you because it means a lot to me, having this opportunity to share my toughts and experiences and I would love to get to know more about yours, in return.
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