After having read this blog entry, I want you to drink a glass of water and get up, doing something for yourself.
Just being with you, your mind, body and thoughts. Grounded. Thanking yourself for having taken time. For your body that is able to move, no matter where you wanna go. Thanking your fellows, family, friends, for them being who they are, supporting you, standing behind you, whatever might happen. Let go.
The past few days I havent done any sports, no exercising, no yoga (!) due to me falling down while playing tennis so that my knee and my left hand got quite injured. Self-evidently, resting is something wonderful as well, you have/take time to think about everything, lie around, read good books and spend some time with your beloved ones.
I did not only realize that I was eating less, that I wasn't hungry in the mornings but I was also feeling stiff and lazy. Although my wound hasn't cured fully, I thought I am gonna do a slow yoga sequence this morning.
And you know what? It was so satisfying, mind-blowing and inspiring.
When I finished, I was standing so much more straight, feeling (and really being aware of) every part of my body, my lengthened spine.
”Be more gentle to yourself. You're a breathing thing.
A memory to someone. A home to a life.“
For some inspiration you could have a look at my pinterest (I am actually not really active on pinterst but for inspiration I think it is super optimal!)
I just want you to turn on your favorite music and DO WHAT YOU LOVE. DO IT FOR YOURSELF - and no one else!
I just want you to turn on your favorite music and DO WHAT YOU LOVE. DO IT FOR YOURSELF - and no one else!
Thank you.

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